If you have interest in purchasing something like the work below or would like a commission piece, please get ahold of me through my contact page. At this point, I am only able to ship necklaces or small items. If you live near Goshen, IN, I can deliver by hand.
Elephant Mugs: Various glazes and sizes, always with a cute elephant face. You can find these at the Elephant Bar in Downtown Goshen.
Open neck coffee mugs: Various glazing combination, funky handles
Hanging Planters: Varying sizes and glazes
Necklaces: Various shapes and glazes, the necklace can be cut or changed to the length desired
Bee Baths: Wide bowls, usually about 8 inches in diameter. Place in your garden, add small stones or marbles to bowl and fill with water so bees have a place to rest and hydrate.
Mini Gnomes: Just a bit bigger than a quarter! Various glazes and hat styles. You can find these at Soapy Gnome in Downtown Goshen.